Decentraland Price (MANA)

$ 0.3175
Market Cap
$ 593,863,141
Volume 24h
$ 55,465,347
Low/High 24h
$ 0 – $ 0

MANA Price Chart


The Decentraland price page is part of Cryptocurrency Price Index that features live price charts, price performance, market cap and trading volume for the top cryptocurrencies.

Decentraland Price (MANA)

${{ beautifyNumber(asset.rate) }}
{{ beautifyNumber(asset.change24, 2) }}%
Market Cap
$ {{ beautifyNumber(asset.marketCap, 0) }}
Volume 24h
$ {{ beautifyNumber(asset.totalVolume24, 0) }}
Low/High 24h
$ {{ beautifyNumber(asset.priceLow) }} – $ {{ beautifyNumber(asset.priceHigh) }}

MANA Price Chart

  • 24H
  • 1W
  • 1M
  • 3M
  • 1Y
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loading chart...


MANA price performance USD

  • {{beautifyNumber(asset.change24, 2)}}% Today
  • {{beautifyNumber(asset.priceChangePc7d, 2)}}% 1W
  • {{beautifyNumber(asset.priceChangePc30d, 2)}}% 1M
  • {{beautifyNumber(asset.priceChangePc90d, 2)}}% 3M
  • {{beautifyNumber(asset.priceChangePcYtd, 2)}}% YTD
  • {{beautifyNumber(asset.priceChangePc1y, 2)}}% 1Y

MANA is on the {{asset.priceChangePc7d > 0 ? 'rise' : 'decline'}} this week

The price of MANA has {{asset.priceChangePc7d > 0 ? 'risen' : 'fallen'}} by {{beautifyNumber(asset.priceChangePc7d, 2)}}% in the past 7 days. The price {{asset.change24 > 0 ? 'increased' : 'declined'}} by {{beautifyNumber(asset.change24, 2)}}% in the last 24 hours. MANA to USD price is updated in real-time. The Decentraland price today is ${{ beautifyNumber(asset.rate, 2) }} per MANA with a live market cap of ${{shortifyNumber(asset.marketCap)}} USD. Decentraland is {{beautifyNumber(asset.athChangePc, 2)}}% below the all time high of ${{beautifyNumber(asset.ath)}}.

The current circulating supply is {{beautifyNumber(}} MANA.

What is Decentraland

Decentraland is an Ethereum-powered virtual reality platform. In this virtual world, you purchase plots of land that you can later traverse, build upon, and monetize. There’s no limit to what you can do. It’s the first digital platform that’s completely owned by its users. Similar to games like Skyrim and Fallout, Decentraland is an all-immersive virtual universe. However, instead of playing on a 2-dimensional screen, you participate in a 3-dimensional world. It seems to be the logical next step before creating full-blown AI-based games in the physical space à la Westworld. Similar groupings on LAND comprise Districts. Districts are basically communities that revolve around a shared theme. For example, there may be a District just for crypto enthusiasts with cryptocurrency apps and services.

The Decentraland team is led by Ari Meilich (Project Lead) and Esteban Ordano (Tech Lead). Ordano previously worked at Bitpay as a software engineer and founded Smart Contract Solutions, Inc. Both founders have also worked together in creating Stremium and Bitcore. Decentraland has been around for longer than you may think. The team hit their first development milestone, Stone Age, in June 2015. This was a simple, pixelated grid that allocated pixels to users through a proof-of-work algorithm. Most recently, they held a Terraform Event in which they sold LAND in the new, 3D world. The team has also partnered with district0x, Aragon, and imToken to provide some of their services.

MANA price statistics

Decentraland price today

MANA price today is ${{ beautifyNumber(asset.rate, 2) }}.

What is the MANA price high and low today?

The 24-hour high of the MANA price is ${{ beautifyNumber(asset.priceHigh, 2) }}.
The price low for today is ${{ beautifyNumber(asset.priceLow, 2) }}.

low ${{ beautifyNumber(asset.rate, 2) }} high

What was the highest price for Decentraland?

MANA hit an all time high of ${{ beautifyNumber(asset.ath, 2) }} over {{moment(asset.athDate).fromNow()}} ({{ moment(asset.athDate).format("MMM D, YYYY") }}). The price is down {{beautifyNumber(asset.athChangePc, 2)}}% from the ATH to date.

Price vs ATH

What was the lowest price for Decentraland?

MANA had an all time low of ${{ beautifyNumber(asset.atl, 2) }} over {{moment(asset.atlDate).fromNow()}} ({{ moment(asset.atlDate).format("MMM D, YYYY") }}). Since then, the price has increased by {{beautifyNumber(asset.atlChangePc, 2)}}%.

MANA trade markets

Where can MANA be traded? An overview of Decentraland exchanges and high volume trading pairs. The Decentraland native token MANA can be traded on

  • {{ market.market_name }} {{base}} / {{}}

Historical data for Decentraland

Daily prices

Decentraland price, market cap and trading volume for the last 7 days
Date Price * Market Cap Volume Change USD Change %
{{ moment("MMM D, YYYY") }} No data available $ {{ beautifyNumber(data.entry.rate) }} $ {{ shortifyNumber(data.entry.marketcap) }} $ {{ shortifyNumber(data.entry.totalVolume24) }} $ {{ beautifyNumber(data.entry.rate-data.entry.price_open24) }} {{ beautifyNumber(data.entry.change24, 2) }}%

Weekly prices

Historical MANA prices for the last 6 weeks
Week Price * Change USD Change %
W{{ moment( }} No data available $ {{ beautifyNumber(entry.rate) }} $ {{ beautifyNumber(entry.changeUSD) }} {{ beautifyNumber(entry.changePercent, 2) }}%

Monthly prices

MANA price history for the last 6 months
Month Price * Change USD Change %
{{ moment("MMM, YYYY") }} No data available $ {{ beautifyNumber(entry.rate) }} $ {{ beautifyNumber(entry.changeUSD) }} {{ beautifyNumber(entry.changePercent, 2) }}%
* Closing price (latest data in range, UTC time)
The Decentraland price page is part of Cryptocurrency Price Index that features live price charts, price performance, market cap and trading volume for the top cryptocurrencies.
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