The price of ZEC has {{asset.priceChangePc7d > 0 ? 'risen' : 'fallen'}} by {{beautifyNumber(asset.priceChangePc7d, 2)}}% in the past 7 days. The price {{asset.change24 > 0 ? 'increased' : 'declined'}} by {{beautifyNumber(asset.change24, 2)}}% in the last 24 hours. ZEC to USD price is updated in real-time. The Zcash price today is ${{ beautifyNumber(asset.rate, 2) }} per ZEC with a live market cap of ${{shortifyNumber(asset.marketCap)}} USD. Zcash is {{beautifyNumber(asset.athChangePc, 2)}}% below the all time high of ${{beautifyNumber(asset.ath)}}.
The current circulating supply is {{beautifyNumber(}} ZEC.
Zcash is a decentralized and open-source cryptocurrency that offers privacy and selective transparency of transactions. Zcash payments are published on a public blockchain, but the sender, recipient, and amount of a transaction remain private.
Zcash is based on peer-reviewed cryptographic research, and built by a security-specialized engineering team on an open source platform based on Bitcoin Core's battle-tested codebase. Our improvement over Bitcoin is the addition of privacy. Zcash uses advanced cryptographic techniques, namely zero-knowledge proofs, to guarantee the validity of transactions without revealing additional information about them.
ZEC price today is ${{ beautifyNumber(asset.rate, 2) }}.
The 24-hour high of the ZEC price is ${{ beautifyNumber(asset.priceHigh, 2) }}.
The price low for today is ${{ beautifyNumber(asset.priceLow, 2) }}.
ZEC hit an all time high of ${{ beautifyNumber(asset.ath, 2) }} over {{moment(asset.athDate).fromNow()}} ({{ moment(asset.athDate).format("MMM D, YYYY") }}). The price is down {{beautifyNumber(asset.athChangePc, 2)}}% from the ATH to date.
ZEC had an all time low of ${{ beautifyNumber(asset.atl, 2) }} over {{moment(asset.atlDate).fromNow()}} ({{ moment(asset.atlDate).format("MMM D, YYYY") }}). Since then, the price has increased by {{beautifyNumber(asset.atlChangePc, 2)}}%.
Where can ZEC be traded? An overview of Zcash exchanges and high volume trading pairs. The Zcash native token ZEC can be traded on
Date | Price * | Market Cap | Volume | Change USD | Change % | |||||
{{ moment("MMM D, YYYY") }} | No data available | $ {{ beautifyNumber(data.entry.rate) }} | $ {{ shortifyNumber(data.entry.marketcap) }} | $ {{ shortifyNumber(data.entry.totalVolume24) }} | $ {{ beautifyNumber(data.entry.rate-data.entry.price_open24) }} | {{ beautifyNumber(data.entry.change24, 2) }}% |
Week | Price * | Change USD | Change % | |||
W{{ moment( }} | No data available | $ {{ beautifyNumber(entry.rate) }} | $ {{ beautifyNumber(entry.changeUSD) }} | {{ beautifyNumber(entry.changePercent, 2) }}% |
Month | Price * | Change USD | Change % | |||
{{ moment("MMM, YYYY") }} | No data available | $ {{ beautifyNumber(entry.rate) }} | $ {{ beautifyNumber(entry.changeUSD) }} | {{ beautifyNumber(entry.changePercent, 2) }}% |