Zcash Price (ZEC)

$ 33.94
Market Cap
$ 542,540,633
Volume 24h
$ 38,964,813
Low/High 24h
$ 34 – $ 37

ZEC Price Chart

ZEC USD Volume

The Zcash price page is part of Cryptocurrency Price Index that features live price charts, price performance, market cap and trading volume for the top cryptocurrencies.

Zcash Price (ZEC)

${{ beautifyNumber(asset.rate) }}
{{ beautifyNumber(asset.change24, 2) }}%
Market Cap
$ {{ beautifyNumber(asset.marketCap, 0) }}
Volume 24h
$ {{ beautifyNumber(asset.totalVolume24, 0) }}
Low/High 24h
$ {{ beautifyNumber(asset.priceLow) }} – $ {{ beautifyNumber(asset.priceHigh) }}

ZEC Price Chart

  • 24H
  • 1W
  • 1M
  • 3M
  • 1Y
  • All
loading chart...

ZEC USD Volume

ZEC price performance USD

  • {{beautifyNumber(asset.change24, 2)}}% Today
  • {{beautifyNumber(asset.priceChangePc7d, 2)}}% 1W
  • {{beautifyNumber(asset.priceChangePc30d, 2)}}% 1M
  • {{beautifyNumber(asset.priceChangePc90d, 2)}}% 3M
  • {{beautifyNumber(asset.priceChangePcYtd, 2)}}% YTD
  • {{beautifyNumber(asset.priceChangePc1y, 2)}}% 1Y

ZEC is on the {{asset.priceChangePc7d > 0 ? 'rise' : 'decline'}} this week

The price of ZEC has {{asset.priceChangePc7d > 0 ? 'risen' : 'fallen'}} by {{beautifyNumber(asset.priceChangePc7d, 2)}}% in the past 7 days. The price {{asset.change24 > 0 ? 'increased' : 'declined'}} by {{beautifyNumber(asset.change24, 2)}}% in the last 24 hours. ZEC to USD price is updated in real-time. The Zcash price today is ${{ beautifyNumber(asset.rate, 2) }} per ZEC with a live market cap of ${{shortifyNumber(asset.marketCap)}} USD. Zcash is {{beautifyNumber(asset.athChangePc, 2)}}% below the all time high of ${{beautifyNumber(asset.ath)}}.

The current circulating supply is {{beautifyNumber(asset.supply)}} ZEC.

What is Zcash

Zcash is a decentralized and open-source cryptocurrency that offers privacy and selective transparency of transactions. Zcash payments are published on a public blockchain, but the sender, recipient, and amount of a transaction remain private.

Zcash is based on peer-reviewed cryptographic research, and built by a security-specialized engineering team on an open source platform based on Bitcoin Core's battle-tested codebase. Our improvement over Bitcoin is the addition of privacy. Zcash uses advanced cryptographic techniques, namely zero-knowledge proofs, to guarantee the validity of transactions without revealing additional information about them.

ZEC price statistics

Zcash price today

ZEC price today is ${{ beautifyNumber(asset.rate, 2) }}.

What is the ZEC price high and low today?

The 24-hour high of the ZEC price is ${{ beautifyNumber(asset.priceHigh, 2) }}.
The price low for today is ${{ beautifyNumber(asset.priceLow, 2) }}.

low ${{ beautifyNumber(asset.rate, 2) }} high

What was the highest price for Zcash?

ZEC hit an all time high of ${{ beautifyNumber(asset.ath, 2) }} over {{moment(asset.athDate).fromNow()}} ({{ moment(asset.athDate).format("MMM D, YYYY") }}). The price is down {{beautifyNumber(asset.athChangePc, 2)}}% from the ATH to date.

Price vs ATH

What was the lowest price for Zcash?

ZEC had an all time low of ${{ beautifyNumber(asset.atl, 2) }} over {{moment(asset.atlDate).fromNow()}} ({{ moment(asset.atlDate).format("MMM D, YYYY") }}). Since then, the price has increased by {{beautifyNumber(asset.atlChangePc, 2)}}%.

ZEC trade markets

Where can ZEC be traded? An overview of Zcash exchanges and high volume trading pairs. The Zcash native token ZEC can be traded on

  • {{ market.market_name }} {{base}} / {{market.target}}

Historical data for Zcash

Daily prices

Zcash price, market cap and trading volume for the last 7 days
Date Price * Market Cap Volume Change USD Change %
{{ moment(data.date).format("MMM D, YYYY") }} No data available $ {{ beautifyNumber(data.entry.rate) }} $ {{ shortifyNumber(data.entry.marketcap) }} $ {{ shortifyNumber(data.entry.totalVolume24) }} $ {{ beautifyNumber(data.entry.rate-data.entry.price_open24) }} {{ beautifyNumber(data.entry.change24, 2) }}%

Weekly prices

Historical ZEC prices for the last 6 weeks
Week Price * Change USD Change %
W{{ moment(entry.date).week() }} No data available $ {{ beautifyNumber(entry.rate) }} $ {{ beautifyNumber(entry.changeUSD) }} {{ beautifyNumber(entry.changePercent, 2) }}%

Monthly prices

ZEC price history for the last 6 months
Month Price * Change USD Change %
{{ moment(entry.date).format("MMM, YYYY") }} No data available $ {{ beautifyNumber(entry.rate) }} $ {{ beautifyNumber(entry.changeUSD) }} {{ beautifyNumber(entry.changePercent, 2) }}%
* Closing price (latest data in range, UTC time)
The Zcash price page is part of Cryptocurrency Price Index that features live price charts, price performance, market cap and trading volume for the top cryptocurrencies.
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